Introducing the Sony SmartWatch by The Android. This sleek, handsome 1.42 inch touch screen is meant to keep you in touch with all the important things you need to know. And yes, that includes Facebook and Twitter. Don’t worry, we’re not judging what’s “important” to you—even if it is seeing updated statuses. Although, the SmartWatch does provide you with all those other important things you need like reading emails, texts and other notifications.
Whenever there is a phone call, text message, email, or a calendar event that is stored on your phone, the SmartWatch will vibrate to inform you. From there, you can tap the screen and get all the details you need. And it can even play music, and it has apps from Google Play—like the fitness app, which records your workout and progress.
And while all of its specifications may be pretty cool—like the OLED display, black watchband and other additional multi-colors and Bluetooth capabilities, the best part might really be that you’ll never have to go searching for your phone to find that it was a number you were going to just ignore anyway.