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How much water should I drink to lose weight? Here’s the answer

Learn all the benefits of drinking enough water

Man in a yellow shirt sitting outside sipping his water bottle
Mary Taylor / Pexels

You’ve got weight loss down. You’ve picked out the best exercises for weight loss, you’ve got a meal plan, you’re counting calories or keeping a food journal, and you’re weighing yourself once a week or however you like to measure your progress. As a nutritionist, this is a common question my clients ask me — even though every article says drinking more water will also help you lose weight,  how much water should you be drinking?

So now you’re wondering: “How much water should I drink to lose weight?” We are here to help. This article will discuss why water helps you lose weight, how much water you need in a day, and how it can help you lose weight fast. Let’s get started!

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Does drinking water burn calories?

Man drinking water
PNW Production / Pexels

Drinking water can burn some calories; you’ll burn the most directly after drinking a large amount of very cold water. Your body has to burn extra calories to bring the cold water up to body temperature. However, the amount of calories burned just processing water is unlikely to contribute very much to weight loss compared to other healthy choices, like exercising and eating well.

How does drinking water help with appetite?

A man drinking water
Maurício Mascaro / Pexels

Water can help you feel fuller by filling your stomach space. This isn’t a revolutionary life hack that will completely remove all hunger and cravings, but it does help a little.

How does drinking water affect water retention?

Water on white background
manu schwendener / Unsplash

Water retention is caused by salts and electrolytes — things like sodium that can dissolve in water — holding onto the water they’re dissolved in. Drinking more water can actually help stop water retention because it helps your kidneys flush out things like sodium so your body doesn’t need to hold onto so much water.

How much water should I drink to lose weight?

Person measuring waist

The eight-glasses-a-day metric is easy to remember, but it’s not actually the most accurate. How much water you should drink in a day depends on your age, gender, activity level, and more.

The National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine have their own recommendations. According to them, most people actually get enough water just by drinking at meals and when they’re thirsty. They share that “on a daily basis, fluid intake driven by thirst and the habitual consumption of beverages at meals is sufficient for the average person to maintain adequate hydration.” On the other hand, they also say that people need potassium to balance out their salt intake, and most people don’t get enough.

Even if you technically get “enough” water, though, getting more is usually better, especially if you’re trying to lose weight. All the benefits outlined above increase the more water you drink. The amount of water you should drink to lose weight is usually a bit more than you already do. (Obviously, there’s an upper limit to this, and drinking over a liter an hour can actually be dangerous. However, it’s pretty difficult to drink that much, especially by accident.)

Tips for increasing your water intake

Sliced watermelon on a cutting board
Rens D/Unsplash / Unsplash

Eat water-rich foods

Vegetables like cucumbers and fruits like watermelon are extremely high in water, which can help you get hydrated. You can also try eating shaved ice (which usually has a lot of sugar but is a better choice than ice cream) or even chewing ice cubes, although that can be harmful to your teeth over time.

Set new habits

Habits work best when they’re in response to an external cue. Try something like: Every time I finish a task at work, I’ll take a drink of water. Or: Every time I switch machines at the gym, I’ll take a drink of water. Sometimes, it’s just about remembering to drink water more often, and triggering a new habit can remind you.

Use a bigger water bottle

This is the simplest trick of all. If you, like me, often stop drinking water for a while because it’s too much hassle to fill up your water bottle, a bigger water bottle can save you from dehydration. It’s also like setting a goal for yourself: Can you drink all of that water? Plus — although this is a minor detail — the size of the water bottle will take up visual space and remind you to drink water every time you see it, which will be all the time.

What other beverages are weight loss-friendly?

Fresh green tea with tea leaves in the water
Grafvision / Adobe Stock

Coffee and tea can be helpful for losing weight. They both contain caffeine, which is found in many weight loss supplements and increases your metabolism so that you burn more calories. Coffee tends to have more calories, and tea contains many other compounds that aid in weight loss, so tea is usually a better choice. Whichever you’d rather drink, it’s best to drink them without adding sugar or milk.

Milk and juice aren’t as good of choices, but they can fit into a weight loss diet. Milk is high in protein and some vitamins and minerals. Juice usually contains sugar, sometimes a lot more than the fruit, but if you’re craving something like soda, compromising on juice is better than giving in and having the soda. Generally, though, it’s best not to “drink your calories.” Drinks are less filling than solid food, so it’s easy to take in a lot more calories than you think you’re getting.

Protein shakes can be another great choice of beverage. They usually contain 20 to 30 grams per serving, and they are a lower-calorie option. Just be sure to keep an eye out for added sugars and excessive artificial ingredients.

Frequently asked questions

Man holding belly fat
Towfiqu barbhuiya / Unsplash

Can drinking water help me lose belly fat?

While you cannot target fat loss, drinking more water can help you lose fat overall, including belly fat, when combined with diet and exercise.

Can I lose 20 pounds by drinking water?

It’s unlikely you’ll lose 20 pounds without changing anything except your water intake. Drinking more water will help you lose weight, but you still need exercise and a healthy diet in order to lose weight.

What drink burns the most belly fat?

A weight loss supplement drink will burn more fat than water because that’s what it’s designed for. Water won’t burn large amounts of fat on its own.

Christine VanDoren
Christine is a certified personal trainer and nutritionist with an undergraduate degree from Missouri State University. Her…
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